Western Star Soccer Ball American USA Mexico Size 4 & Size 5 - Official Match Weight - 2 Colors - Youth & Adult Soccer Players



Western Star Soccer Ball American USA Mexico Size 4 & Size 5 – Official Match Weight – 2 Colors – Youth & Adult Soccer Players

Made to withstand their strongest kicks, dribbles, and passes for practices and game-time. Western Star Soccer Balls are reliably tough through every action indoors and outdoors!


  • Tough-N-Ready For Every Kick: Kids & adults play soccer with fierce determination—as they should!  Size 4 (25” to 26”) is ideal for kickers between 8 & 12 years old, while Size 5 (27” to 28”) is a great choice for those 12 through adult. All ages of soccer fans love how they look & handle!
  • How Does It Stay So Strong?: Athletes want to know they can wind up with all their might on these strong soccer balls. Thick, 4-ply construction in a 32-panel form makes it even more durable.
  • Elevate Your Game: You want excellent-quality recreational products that are cost effective for your budget. 
  • Stand Out From The Crowd: With serious durability & construction goals mastered, the Western Star team knew we wanted to offer an exceptionally attractive outer look. 
  • Your Trustworthy Teammate: Count on us as a sincere team player when it comes to sporting goods like size 4 and size 5 soccer balls.

Players need a soccer ball made to withstand their strongest kicks, dribbles, and passes for practices and game-time. BUY YOURS NOW!