Hanging Chairs And Porch Swings – The Tao Of Lounging

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Close your eyes.

Picture yourself (no, not on a boat on a river!)… rocking gently in a whispering breeze.

Underneath you is a soft, cuddly cushion.

Surrounding you is a strong, sturdy, embracing hanging chair, freely swaying.

The birds are singing, leaves are quietly rustling, and the comforting sounds of those you love can be heard just inside.

Above you… only endless blue sky.

D’ya feel that? That peace coming over you right now? Do you know what that is?

It’s your body saying (quite loudly), “GIVE… ME… THAT… NOOOOOOOWWWWW!!” LoL

There are myriad reasons why we all love hanging chairs and porch swings. It’s no surprise they continue to be a go-to choice for relaxation and daily bits of bliss, both indoors and out.

In today’s fast-paced and hectic world, finding moments of rest and peace has become hard to come by. The Chinese word “tao” means a “way”, in the sense of a road or a path. So today, let’s look at one

of the best “ways” to find tranquility at home – relaxing in the ever-versatile and universally attractive appeal of a hanging chair or porch swing. It’s an affordable piece of luxury that never ceases to deliver the goods!


Love at First Sway

Since most everyone loves the feel of a gently swinging support, there must be some scientific reason why we’re so drawn to it, right? What is that reason??

Turns out there are many science-based reasons that rocking & hanging chairs are so therapeutic. And with swings, hammocks & suspended seats being so prevalent & inexpensive these days, the benefits certainly outweigh the cost.

The Serotonin Connection

Stress is unfortunately all-too-real in our frenetic world. Each day brings its own set of challenges, and the pressures of work, family & economic obligations can really debilitate our bodies so quickly & consistently that we don’t even notice how dragged down we are.

This is where a smoothly swaying friend can come in quite handy! The pendulum oscillation of a porch swing, hanging chair, hammock or even just a simple kids swing can swiftly calm you into a naturally relaxed state. Why?

The relaxing home porch swing… the perfect place for hundreds of close moments with family & friends.


Turns out that there’s something called the “raphe system” in the stem of our brains that helps regulate sleep & levels of arousal. If you need to be more alert, it sends out the neurotransmitter norepinephrine. But it also sends out your body’s “feel good” chemical serotonin at appropriate times, which is crazy good at making you feel happier, calmer, easily focused and emotionally balanced.

In fact, serotonin is such a key chemical in our bodies that if we have low levels of it, guess what? We usually end up diagnosed with depression.

Ahh, but guess what simple action can easily & quickly give us a shot of that “nectar of the jolly gods”?? You guessed it – swinging!

Any gentle rocking motion will instantly stimulate the raphe system, which in turn then releases the sunny sauce – serotonin. When this happens, your body instantly feels relaxed. Even sleepy.

If you’ve ever had a cranky infant who let go of their tantrum and fell asleep when you rocked them in your arms… well, you can thank their raphe system & serotonin cache! Every time we swing it takes us right back to being rocked by our loved ones as infants. Did we love that attention?!

You bet we did!

Hanging in the Balance

Another reason that swaying affects our bodies in unseen but beneficial ways is this: it really does improve our balance and body awareness.

This is not only crucial for developement in children; we all can benefit from better coordination, no matter what our age. Swinging actually aides this, primarily due to two internal systems we all have: the proprioceptive, & the vestibular.

The proprioceptive system gathers information from what our muscles & joints are experiencing, and helps us respond in gravity accordingly to keep ourselves safe. As the body moves through space while swinging, this system helps us learn to adapt to the changes in forces on our muscles and joints, remain upright, and develop more strength & blood flow where needed.

The vestibular system, on the other hand, gathers information instead from the semicircular canals in our inner ears. As our heads move through the vertical, horizontal, & diagonal planes of our world, it picks up the clues about how we should react and helps our brain react appropriately to changes in gravity, keeping us balanced through any changes.

In short, swinging & swaying helps all of us develop better balance and coordination, and that can only be a good thing, right?! It’s so helpful that children who have difficulty with sensory integration are often treated with… what?? Swinging therapy. That says it all.

Thanks, Mom!

When we were in our mother’s wombs, the first movement we were able to perceive was the gentle swinging and floating in the amniotic fluid. Any gentle swinging motion is bound to take us back subconsciously to that safe, sublime time when we were so well-protected.

Even after we’re born, all those times of being cradled to help calm us down to this day still can be mimicked by the swaying motions that hanging chairs afford.

Another factor is that when swings or hanging chairs are placed outside, the soothing experience is only enhanced by the (usually) quiet sounds of nature, flora & fauna. If you’re far enough away from city noise & clamour, the soundtrack of nature can be very similar to the very first sounds we ever heard.

In the womb there’s not much to hear but mom’s heartbeat and an ongoing & subdued hum – a muffled reflection of all the commotion going on outside our safe haven. This why a washing machine, dryer, slow-moving car, or just the sussurus of wind through the trees can put so many newborns to sleep. It’s as soothing as close times with mom!

Coordinatin’ Kids

If you’ve got a child and a hanging chair, couch, porch swing or hammock is anywhere in sight, you’d better believe they’re gonna wanna jump in it! Why is that?

It might be a little of that ‘reminder of mom’, but there’s another good reason for them to love it – it teaches them body and spatial awareness.

Thanks again to those proprioceptive & vestibular systems, children swinging are refining & strengthening their motor skills, balance and overall coordination, and they don’t even know it. But they do know it feels good, and that’s because it’s improving so many things inside them, while providing a fun, fresh & vibrant way to play outside them.


Your C of G

Did you know that slow interval changes in your center of gravity can reduce your brain chatter and lower your blood pressure?

It all has to do with distraction, really. Someone once said the mind is a monkey that needs to be kept busy or it’ll come up with its own busy-ness. When your center of gravity changes, especially as in a hanging chair where it’s fluctuating back & forth, over & over agiain, your mind pays attention.

The inner ear is what tells it to keep sharp on what’s happening, which has the benefit of taking your attention off everything else. Obviously, this can really help finally relax you, which is the whole point. Even draw you into sleep. And if you DO fall asleep? Well, guess what – a little nap releases even more endorphins that will, in turn, improve your mood and reduce your stress and pain even more.

So you see? Even gravity can’t keep ya down when you’re swingin’ a snug pendulum dance!

You’ve Got Rhythms

And speaking of dancing, we as humans are naturally drawn to persistent rhythms & cycles. It’s like it’s part of our DNA!

The human body produces every day a number of essential rhythms: breathing, heartbeats, nostril ionization, peristaltic and digestive cycles, swinging our arms when we walk, our natural gait, etc. With so many music-like rhythms happening inside us, it’s only natural that we find harmony and relatability in natural, released unhindered moments of swaying.

In fact, any kind of rhythmic rocking or swinging back and forth has scientifically been proven to help synchronize neural oscillations in the brain, especially the areas responsible for sleep & memory consolidation.

Research shows the synchronization effect can result in the individual who is swinging to feel calm and relaxed. It has been observed that both swinging or gentle rocking can have this synchronizing effect.

Mother Nature Medicine

No talk of hanging seats would be complete without discussing one of its most healing benefits – the fact that you can be outside in it!!

There is no lack of evidence that it does a body good to get out and take in the wonders of the world around us. Being outside, as THIS ARTICLE and many others show us, can really make all the difference in our mood, our mental balance and even our health.

Firstly, as you sit there listening to the birds chirping, the gentle breeze whispering, the leaves dancing in a gentle “ssshhhh….”, maybe even the sounds of a river, lake or ocean in the distance… you get the chance to disconnect from the stresses of daily life and immerse in inspiration and mental rejuvenation.



Second, the gentle swaying motion of the chair, as we discussed earlier, induces a calming effect, further leading into a soft, still bliss.

Third, you’re exposed to fresh air! This alone is enough to make many of us much more healthy. Did you know that the typical American spends 90% of their time indoors? Unfortunately, since concentrations of pollutants can often be 2 to 5 times higher than outdoor concentrations, this means that we’re taking in a lot more bad air than good. Plus, outside air generally has higher levels of oxygen than indoor air, so breathing it will improve the cleansing and tissue repair within your lungs, making them more efficient at their all-important job. THIS ARTICLE shows what we can do to improve our indoor home air, but also just simply get outside more will certainly help.

Finally, there are curative properties in our outdoor natural surroundings that promote mental health as well. We all know this to be true: getting outside stimulates our senses; it enhances mindfulness, promotes a sense of well-being.

Science proves it. Just the simple fact that letting the sun shine on our skin for a while allows us to take in Vitamin D, which is a crucial nutrient for regulating mood in humans, is enough reason to daily make sure we’re sittin’ in some “shine”. A deficiency in Vitamin D has been linked to depression and seasonal affective disorder time & again. So soaking up some rays, all while enjoying a gentle sway in a hanging chair, not only uplift spirits and enhance overall mood – it keeps on a healthy track of balance and inner efficiency both physically & mentally.

So be your best self! Get yourself a front-row swaying seat to the beauty of the world under our Earth blue skies. It’ll ensure that you’re taking in rejuvenating & refreshing air, and that will help you sleep better at night, optimize your breathing and oxygen circulation, boost your “good mood” Vitamin D levels, & even more… it’ll inspire with you with “sky’s the limit” possibilities within!

We Got Your Back

Did you know that hanging chairs & swings can also provide a unique and effective way to alleviate back pain? It’s true! By distributing the body weight evenly and supporting the natural curve of the spine, many suspended seats help reduce strain on the back muscles and joints. Add to that the gentle swaying motion which induces body relaxation and voila – muscles are rested, discs are decompresses, both of which relieve tension and mitigate discomfort.

Moreover, these unique seating options can alleviate back pain and improve posture. When we recline in a hanging chair or hammock, our body weight is distributed evenly, taking pressure off our spine. This allows our muscles and joints to decompress and relax, leading to a decrease in discomfort and promoting proper alignment. The gentle curvature of a hanging chair or hammock supports the natural curve of our spine, reducing strain on our back and helping to alleviate any existing pain. By spending time in these suspended seats, we can give our back a much-needed break and promote long-term spinal health.

Additionally, the ergonomic design of certain hanging chairs encourages proper posture, preventing slouching and maintaining spinal alignment.

By spending time in a hanging chair, individuals with back pain can experience relief, improved mobility, and a greater sense of comfort. Especially if there’s a cushy, fluffy cushion involved!

The Calm Without The Storm

So, basically, what does this science all come down to? We pretty much already know, right? We figured it  out a long time ago – porch swings, hanging chairs and outdoor gliders alleviate stress. That’s why we love ’em! The gentle pendulum movement eases our muscles, helps us loosen up & unwind… basically sways tensions away in place of a deep sense of relaxation and calm.

When that happens, there’s yet another therapeutic benefit –  the peace & quiet suddenly provides us with an opportunity for mindfulness and introspection, something that is truly hard to come by in today’s “fast lane” pace. By creating a secluded space for ourselves, whether indoors or outdoors, we can disconnect from the outside world and focus on the present moment. This allows us to cultivate a sense of inner peace, enhance our self-awareness, and reconnect with our thoughts and emotions. We can even take in a book, or a podcast, or an audio book on our favorite topic. Perhaps even meditate on it. Or on nothing at all.

This makes for moments of, essentially, improving & inspiring ourselves. Why? Because we deliberately took the time to do so, in a synchronized swaying that helped focus our mind on what’s truly important.

So, yes, swinging chairs definitely settle a busy mind. Even induce a meditative state if you let it. Stress is blown away in the breeze, and clarity is discovered like long-lost pirate booty on a beautiful beach.

Of course, that doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy the serene environment with somebody. When that happens, there’s bound to be another desirable element that will suddenly kick in the midst – fun and laughter! Sometimes we’ve had enough introspection and self-reflection and just want a good friend to have fun with. To enjoy their company. To invest… in each other! Swings are great for that, as time constraints seem to disappear and all that remains is the recognition of how much we just love that other person’s company.

Regardless of which way the wind’s blowing inside you at any given moment, bringing a hanging glider or chair into your home mix is bound to help restore our mind, body, and spirit. With a minimum of effort. You just have to rock… back… and forth… and back… and forth… and back…


Yin Or Yang – We’ve Got Your Style!

There are SO many variations on the hanging chair theme. They’ve been popular for centuries, so finding a versatile and stylish option on the market that complements your favorite aesthetic is pretty easy to do.

to any indoor or outdoor space. They come in various styles and materials, catering to different tastes and aesthetics. Let’s explore the different options available and how they can complement a wide range of design preferences.


The Boho Tassel Chair!

The bohemian, or macramé, hanging chair is a real best-seller across the board, since it’s easy to make a so inexpensive. These chairs feature intricate woven patterns, often made of cotton or other natural fibers.

These chairs are often simply called “Tassel Chairs” because they’re most of the time adorned with dozens of tassel frills all around the edges of the chair. It certainly adds an artistic and further soft element to the look, and as always draws anyone that walks by into giving its sweet, swaying ride a try!

With their relaxed and earthy vibe, macramé chairs are perfect for creating a cozy but bohemian-inspired atmosphere. They work beautifully in indoor spaces such as living rooms, bedrooms, or reading nooks, where they add a touch of organic texture and create a cozy spot for relaxation.

Some are also made for outdoor use. Just make sure to read the description of the product to make sure you’re getting the right one for your desired location.

Rattan & Metal

For a more contemporary and minimalist look, get yourself a sleek and streamlined hanging chair made of metal or rattan. These chairs feature clean lines and simple shapes, making them a great fit for modern and Scandinavian-inspired spaces.

Metal hanging chairs can be ideal for outdoor patios or gardens, while rattan options are versatile enough to work both indoors and outdoors.

And now that I’ve mentioned it, this would be a great time to address a common misunderstanding: wicker vs. rattan. They are definitely not the same, but they’re used interchangeably so often that even I didn’t know the difference before we started to sell both types of products here in the Outdoor Hobby Hub.

A “Wicker weave”.

Here’s the deal-io: Rattan is the material used for the product. Wicker refers to the weaving technique, or how it’s put together. In other words, Rattan is what it’s made of, and Wicker is how it’s made.

Rattan is a natural vine-like material derived from palm plants. Easy to find in southern climes since palm trees grow everywhere down there. Rattan can be woven in a Wicker pattern, but other materials can also, like bamboo, synthetic fibers, etc.

That make sense? Wicker is the weave technique, and rattan is one specific material used in that technique.

Without doubt, a wicker-woven hanging chair will exude a natural and tropical charm to whatever nook you put it in, indoors or out.

Rattan being harvested for weaving.

They usually come with pillows that you can easily take off in a jiffy, so they don’t get moldy due to outdoor weather. Whether you choose bamboo, rattan, synthetic fiber or some other variant, the chair itself will hold up to outside elements just fine. It’ll provide an instant spot of resort-like relaxation and “island vibe” to any setting.

Fabricrainbow hanging chair

In terms of materials, fabric options like canvas or polyester provide comfort and durability. These materials are commonly used for the seat and backrest of hanging chairs. They come in a wide range of colors and patterns, allowing you to choose one that complements your existing décor or adds a pop of personality to your space.

Obviously a fabric option like cotton won’t hold up that well outdoors, so save that for your kid’s rooms, or indoor common areas where rain, snow and sun can’t deteriorate it so quickly.

Canvas can sometimes do well outside if it’s somewhat sheltered, like on a patio or porch. Again, check the product descriptions to see what the manufacturer recommends.


When it comes to wooden outdoor hanging chairs or swings, there are several different types to choose from.

One popular option is the classic porch swing, typically made of durable hardwood like cedar or teak. These swings often feature a simple slatted design and can be customized with cushions or pillows for added comfort. Or, for the more “every season” approach, you can leave the swinging bench as is and simply hang it in your garden or in the trees of your landscape. With not too much maintanence, wooden swings can last for decades, and that means thousands of days of outside invigoration for you.


Who says winter has to stop the sway?!


Another type is the Adirondack swing, known for its wide armrests and reclined seat, perfect for lounging in the sun.

Additionally, there are stylish and contemporary wooden hanging chairs that offer a modern twist on the traditional swing, incorporating sleek lines and innovative designs. Each type of wooden outdoor hanging chair or swing brings its own unique aesthetic and charm to outdoor spaces, so look through them all to find the one that will bring just the right aesthetic touch to the beauty of your home.

Slight or Substantial?

It’s worth mentioning that hanging chairs come in different sizes and shapes. Not all will be be appropriate for every variation of the human torso. Things like weight capacity, seating volume and headroom certainly come into play when choosing a chair or bench that will feel good to you, so check the measurements and seating styles to make sure you get one that can handle your specific requirements.

Some chairs are made with a cocoon-like shape, a design commonly referred to as an “Egg Chair“. This kind peacefully envelopes you in a cozy and private space that’s very womb-like, especially if you fill it with more pillows and/or blankets, and put drapery around the sides. Doing that will up the ante on the private nature of the space, and transform its small space into a kind of ‘secret world’ for you or anyone to enjoy.

The swingin’ solo Egg Chair!

Other hanging seats have open designs that go for a more airy, spacious structure.

Then, on the opposite end of the spectrum, you have chairs for kids, that are quite small indeed, but serenely surround your little one in their own little cozy crevice that’s comfortable, fun and improves their motor skills & balance without them even knowing.

In short, consider your preferred choice of size and shape of hanging chair when shopping. The available space you have might determine your choice for you, making the decision an easy one.

Your Perfect Panacea Awaits!

The versatility of hanging chairs makes them suitable for a variety of design styles. Whether you prefer a bohemian, modern, tropical, eclectic, big or small aesthetic, there is a hanging chair that’s just right for you and your home.

Not only will it add an element of visual interest and can become a focal point to your room or outdoor area, it will most certainly create a nook of contentment and refreshment for all your family, and guests, to enjoy!


Our Favorites!

There’s an abundance of hanging chairs & gliders out there, but our customers have given us big thumbs up on a few particular options, mostly due to their excellent cost-to-value ration and their longevity in the face of seasonal weather extremes:

The Best Choice Hanging Glider

Able to be set up anywhere, without the need for an overhead ceiling, roof or tree limb, this lovely swing is easy to set up and a true pleasure to enjoy, day after day, year after year.

We’ve seen people leave literally thousands of almost 5-star reviews on this particular one, so rest assured it’s a smart purchase.

But, as you can guess… one sit down in it will tell you that! Go HERE to see the colors & specs.


The Best Choice 2-Person Outdoor Patio Swing


The Tangkula 2-Person Wicker Hanging Porch Swing

Similar to the Best Choice glider, this is a two-seater is all-weather resistant. Unlike the Best Choice glider though, it does not come with a stand or base of any kind. The Tangkula is meant to be hung, usually from the ceiling or roof near a patio or porch.

There are three colors to the cushions: Black, Turquoise, White & Red, so you can pick just what goes with your decor the best. Check out its great price and natural-looking luxury HERE.


The Tangkula 2-Person Wicker Swing

The 2 Person Hanging Egg Chair

This more modern take on the hanging chair by Btmway definitely makes a more striking statement, while still furnishing that soft, pillowy “snuggle appeal” that makes everybody want to go sit in it!

It was designed for outdoor use on patios, decks, gardens, yards, backyards & porches, to be sure. But many have ended up actually keeping it inside as well, in bedrooms, living rooms, dens, basements, rec rooms and other spots under the ceiling inside. From what we hear, it’s so fun & comfy, many want to sit & chill out in it every day, no matter what the weather.

We get it. When something feels this good… why not do it every day?!

For all the info on it, and to pick up your own portal to an outdoor OR indoor paradise, click HERE.


The Btmway 2 Person Hanging Egg Chair


Other options are available too here at Outdoor Hobby Hub, including Boho Knitted Rope chairs, Macrame Hammock chairs & more. Peruse the whole category of swaying comfort chairs by clicking HERE.


TAO Means Balance

So, go ahead – as one of our favorite shows “Parks & Recreation” put it – “treat yourself”… to the blissful benefits of hanging chairs and patio swings.

With every year our insance schedules get harder and harder to balance with healthy, restorative rest. Yet that’s what the Chinese say the Tao is all about – balance. If we’re going to ever find out what the Tao of Lounging is, and how crucial & beneficial it is to our mental health and physical efficiency, we’re gonna have to be deliberate about carving out at least a little time and space & devote it only to personal restoration.

If we do, this inviting, comfortable corner in or outside our home will become a favorite place for quality “me-time”, or the preferred space for laughing it up & spreading some easy-going joy around to our family and friends.

Whatever option you choose, your well-being, posture, health, your wallet… your “Tao”… will thank you!



CEO of Outdoor Hobby Hub